Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Going Home has been one crazy and very emotional week!

It all started on Wednesday when all the senior missionaries and those missionaries with health issues got sent home. We had over 50 missionaries leave the NCRM in one day, it was so sad. Missionaries were being transferred to fill spots of those who had left. Sister Bloxham was suppose to go back to Nauvoo, but stay in Sanford with me because of coronavirus.

On Friday President Holland got the news that all international missionaries were to be sent home. I didn't think I would be included in those missionaries - because I'm from the US. That afternoon, I got a call from President Holland telling me that I was being sent home. In that moment I had no idea what to think, I was definitely not expecting this at all. Because my home and family live in England, I'm considered an international missionary. My heart sunk and I was broken. I had to leave North Carolina way earlier than I wanted!

Saturday afternoon Sister Bloxham & I were teaching a lesson online and we're about to set up a return appointment. When I checked my phone, I had received an email with my flight itinerary...I was leaving the Next Day!! I was shocked, I didn't think it would happen that fast. The rest of the day was spent packing both myself and Sister Bloxham. Since I was going home, she had to be moved into a trio with the Sister Training Leaders who lived 30 mins. away from us.

The next morning we headed to the airport and I had my departing interview with President Holland, right there at the airport. He told me that I may not know right now exactly the reason for why this is happening, but God has a plan for me and everything will be alright! I traveled with some other missionaries who were heading home, which was super nice. The other missionaries were super confused when I said I was going home to England and I had an American accent lol! I arrived in England Monday morning!

Funny story: I was going through security in London and they had to search my carriage on bag. While they were checking it the security lady says "oh she's a Sister she's fine..." and then she says "you're way to young to be a nun." I explained that I was a missionary, not a nun, but I will never forget that moment!

I have so many mixed emotions. My heart is broken that I had to leave North Carolina and the people. I have grown to love everyone there so much! I am so sad to leave the North Carolina Raleigh Mission. I have grown so much in these last 8 months. I would not trade the experiences I've had for anything! But I'm also super happy to be home to see and be with my family!

I don't know what is going to happen exactly, but what I do know right now is that I have to been in isolation for 2 weeks! It has been one of the hardest weeks. But, I know everything happens for a reason and God has a plan for me! This could be my last email...idk?

I do know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and another Testament of Jesus Christ! I know that there is nothing that can bring more greater peace in our lives than the Savior. He lives and loves us! I know that prophets are called of God to lead and guide us especially during these crazy times. I know this is the true church here on the earth today. I love the gospel, I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ loves us so much!

Be safe, stay healthy, and watch conference this weekend because it's going to be incredible!! Y'all are amazing and thank you so much for everything!

Love y'all!!!!

Sister Ogden

Saying goodbye to Sister Bloxham :(

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


What a week... it's a crazy time to be a missionary! Something changes everyday, we never know what's going to happen next. On Wednesday we were put under quarantine. We are allowed to go out for exercise, grocery shopping and going to the church.

Trying to figure out how to do missionary work through technology has been a struggling. Technology is amazing and I am so grateful to be able to have it. But, I feel like I need a lesson in how to use it again since I haven't used it forever! Finding new people to teach has been super hard being quarantined. Thankfully we've been able to have some great FaceTime lessons with some of the members.

Last night we called the less active member we've been meeting with. We explained that we couldn't meet with her in person any more. We asked if there was a day we could call and study the Book of Mormon with her? She said, "sure, any day that if I feel like it." Fingers crossed, she feels like studying BofM next time we call her.

Here's a scripture that has brought so much peace to me, John 14:27: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." How incredible is these scripture?! As we turn to the Savior, He will bring peace into our lives. I know that God has plan for each one of us and as we trust Him all will be well! I know He lives and loves everyone. I am so grateful for the Savior and His atoning sacrifice! Without Him I would be lost and sacred tbh!! I love being a missionary, I'm so grateful I get to share such an incredible message!

Be safe, wash your hands and stay healthy!
Love and miss y'all!
Sister Ogden

FaceTime lesson with members

Empty grocery shelves!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Coronavirus Crazy

I don't even know where to begin, this week has been crazy...

The coronavirus is crazy and everyone is trying to buy toilet paper! Thursday when we found out church was cancelled we went to the only place we knew we could find information...the church's website. It's amazing how much we learned from the church's website about the coronavirus. Also later when we went to Walmart to grab some water we saw that all of the toilet paper was gone!! I have no idea why toilet paper, but oh well.

A lot of places are starting to shut down here. Thankfully we aren't under quarantine. There are some restrictions to proselyting, but nothing can stop us!! The work must go on! The weather is beautiful and it reached into the 70s this past week! It was truly amazing - good weather is always helpful when trying to find people to teach.

We had one bright spot from the coronavirus. Ever since I arrived in Sanford we have been trying to get in contact with a recent convert, but she would never answer or return our calls. Well, on Saturday we called her and she answered. We asked if there was a time we could share a message with her and she said YES!!! She said she had been wondering about some things especially with everything that has been going on with coronavirus!! We have a lesson with her this week over FaceTime. Technology is amazing and God is amazing!!!

We also found one new person to teach...Tyneshia!! So yesterday we had a lesson fall through and it was about 7:30pm. We hadn't found anyone this past week although we had been working so hard to find someone all week long. Well we decided to stop by a former friend's house. Her name seemed super familiar but we decided to stop by, even if we had taught her before, we just had to have faith. When we knocked on the door, she invited us right in. We asked her how she first met the missionaries? She said it was a while ago and some how she had lost contact with them. We think she got lost through missionaries getting transferred. We felt bad, but we were so glad we found her and were able to have a lesson with her right there and then. We taught her about the Restoration and the Spirit was so strong. I know I say this everything time, but there's nothing better than being able to share this incredible message with people! God is incredible and always amazes me with the miracles He brings in my life.

Yesterday we went to a members house to have a sacrament meeting. Isn't it amazing that we are able to partake of the sacrament in our homes because of the priesthood!! I am so grateful for the priesthood! This morning when I was doing my studies and Come Follow Me I read the following and it was amazing: "But we are never alone in this work, for the Lord of the vineyard labors alongside His servants." This is so true! We are never alone and the Lord wants to help us to achieve His work!

Be safe, wash your hands and have an amazing week!

Love and miss y'all
Sister Ogden

Monday, March 9, 2020

Too Windy to Bike

Honestly not a lot has happened this week. A lot of the people we are teaching aren't responding,  which is super sad. But, we did find one new person!!!

Friday night we got a call from the Zone Leaders. They told us they had a referral for us and asked if we wanted to FaceTime in for the lesson? We said yes, but I was terrified. A lesson with the Zone Leaders is a lot of pressure. Sister Bloxham & I planned out the whole lesson and even role played the Restoration multiple times. Well it's almost time for the lesson and the Zone Leaders had to cancel. But, they asked us to still FaceTime and teach the lesson. Sadly, Owen wasn't able to meet for the lesson, so we set up an appointment for the next day. We had the lesson with Owen and oh my goodness, the Spirit was so strong. I love teaching the Restoration!!! We invited him to read the Book of Mormon and he said yes!

Also this week the wind was super strong, which makes biking difficult! Instead of trying to fight the wind while biking, Sister Bloxham and I decided to walk to one of our appointments. On our way these young boys tried to get our number, haha.

We also met these awesome guys at the park! It was pretty incredible, they were asking us about what we do as missionaries. We told them about The Book of Mormon and they were super interested in reading it! Heavenly Father is amazing and works so many miracles!

I hope y'all have an awesome week!

Love and miss y'all
Sister Ogden
    Pizza Night
Best Zone Ever! 

Biking in the Wind & Walking around town

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Baptisms are like Christmas

Sorry I didn't write an email last week. A lot has happened the last couple of weeks, I don't even know where to start. It's been stressful and crazy but incredible and amazing!

It snowed here a few Thursdays ago. It wasn't a lot, but NC usually doesn't get any, so it was a lot for Sanford. Sister Bloxham & I were told to stay in for the day because the roads were too snowy and icy to ride. So, we had a snow day and made a Sister Snowman (pictures were sent last week). It's now back to being sunny and warm which is awesome!

I found out we have someone famous in our ward! We were having dinner at a members house and the father was telling us that he used to travel a lot with his old job. We asked him what his old job was? He said he was Taylor Swift's bodyguard...Yes, you heard me...Taylor Swift! So, of course we wanted to hear stories about Taylor Swift. Unfortunately, he couldn't tell us any stories about her because he agreed not after he stopped working for her.

Alex G. was baptized and confirmed this week! Although it was a pretty stressful morning it was seriously so amazing. The spirit was so strong and it was probably the best day ever! Baptisms are like Christmas for a missionary. He was so ready to be baptized and so excited. The gospel is so true!!!

So funny story... we made copies of the songs that were going to be sung at the baptism. The opening song was "I am a Child of God." At the baptism Sister Bloxham was leading the music and after the third verse she goes to sit down but the pianist kept playing the music and everyone kept singing. Sister Bloxham just got back up and started leading the music. Apparently there is a fourth verse of "I am a Child of God" that we totally forgot about or missed. It's amazing what you learn as a missionary!

We found someone new this week...Laquandra! Oh my goodness I love the people here. We taught the Plan of Salvation and the spirit was so strong. She thought it was so cool when we explained that Adam & Eve partaking of the fruit was part of God's plan for us, and not Eve's fault. As we were leaving she told us how the other night she was talking to her son about something and all of a sudden he started praying in the middle of when his mom is talking to him. After he prayed his mom said "I couldn't get mad at him because he was praying!"

We had exchanges this past week! I stayed and hosted Sister Cook, who wanted to come to Sanford so she could ride a bike! Yes, you heard correct...she wanted to experience riding a bike. Sister Cook has only served in "car" areas of the mission not "bike" areas. She is almost done with her mission, so she wanted to experience a "bike" area. Seems crazy to me, I live for my car weeks, but I showed her a day in the life of a "biking missionary."

Love and miss y'all so much!
Sister Ogden

Alex's G. Baptism

Exchanges with Sister Cook

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Snow Day

Annie didn't have time to write an email this week, 
but she did send some cute pics!

Monday, February 17, 2020

Snake was Fake

Sorry, I don't have a lot of time to email. We found two new people this week, Oscar and Sandy! It was pretty incredible. So a few weeks ago we stopped by a former investigators home. They had just moved so they asked us to come back another time. Well we went back yesterday and they invited us in, and we had a lesson with them about the Restoration. Seriously the Restoration is so powerful and amazing!!! They kept asking such incredible questions throughout the lesson. We invited them to read the Book of Mormon and we set up a time to go back!! Right before we had our lesson I was super frustrated that we hadn't found anyone in a few weeks. I am so grateful for Heavenly Father and his hand in my life.

We had a lesson with Alex S. and it was amazing! Sister Bloxham and I decided to let the scriptures teach and not to mention anything about baptism because we had focused too much on it. We had a member come with us and the spirit was so strong in the lesson. We read 3 Nephi 17 (one of my favorite chapters) and oh my goodness the scriptures are incredible and can teach us so much!

Also update from last weeks story about the was fake!! Yesterday we stopped by again and the snake was there still and it was totally fake! Sister Bloxham and I felt pretty dumb about it and could not stop laughing!

One last thing...the Book of Mormon is amazing! I was reading in 2 Nephi 9 and oh my goodness gracious I am so grateful for the plan of salvation and the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Love and miss y'all

Sister Ogden

Caught in a rain storm

Fun Dip

Sunny 70 degree weather!

Washing our very dirty car